Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Known Constituents of Aloe Vera and Their Beneficial Properties

The table below shows the identified constituents of Aloe Vera and their properties: -

Amino Acids (20 out of the total 22 types, including 7 types of essential amino acids)Amino acids are the basic building blocks of protein which are used by the body for production of all sorts of cells and tissues.
Anthraquinones (aloe emodin, aloe ulcine, aloetic acid, aloin, anthtacine, anthranol, barbaloin, chrysophanic acid, ethereal oil, ester of cinnamonic acid, isobarbaloin and resistannol).In the relatively small concentrations found in aloe vera together with the gel fraction, anthraquinones exhibit antibacterial, antifungal & antiviral activities. They also display analgesic (painkilling) properties and can stimulate wound-healing. On their own, anthraquinones are generally laxatives and may be toxic in higher concentrations.
Enzymes (aliiase, amylase, alkaline phosphatase, bradykinase, carboxypeptidase, catalase, cellulose, creatine phosphokinase, lipase, nucleotidase, peroxidase, protease)Generally, enzymes are catalyst which aid in our metabolism processes, helping in the breakdown of food sugars and fats, aiding digestion and enhancing nutrients absorption.
Hormones (auxins & gibberellins)These plant hormones are known to display wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties.
LigninLignin is a cellulose-based substance which has penetrating ability and can act as a carrier for other nutrients and components, hence enabling deeper penetration for better effect.
Minerals (calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and zinc)Minerals are essential for good health and are generally required for the thousands of processes in our body. Some of the minerals are also needed for building stronger bones and teeth.
Monosaccharides (glucose & fructose)Sugars.
Polysaccharides (acemannans, glucomannans, mannose, polymannose)Display immune-stimulant properties, ie. They are believed to be helpful in stimulating production of antibodies and white blood cells. Also exert anti-inflammatory actions which can be helpful in alleviating rheumatism/arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.
Salicylic AcidAn aspirin-like compound which has analgesic action.
SaponinsSaponins is a soap-like substance that can help in the cleansing of body tissues and is midly antiseptic.
Sterols (Campesterol, lupeol, beta-sitosterol)Basically anti-inflammatory agents. Lupeol also possesses antiseptic and analgesic properties.
Vitamins (A, B-Complexes, C, E, Choline, Folic Acid)Vitamins A, C & E are antioxidants that can help neutralize free radicals. B Complexes and Choline are involved in the metabolism of amino acids. B12 and folic acid are needed for production and development of red blood cells.


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