Saturday, March 24, 2012

Aloe Vera: The Miracle Plants?

Referred to as the "Wand of Heaven" by American Indians, and called "The Doctor In A Pot" by Christopher Columbus, aloe vera is certainly not an ordinary garden plant. 

Records of the effective use of aloe vera for health and medical prposes have been traced back as early as 3,500 years ago in th Ebers Papyrus, an early Egyptian wiritng of the 1500s BC. Pedianos Dioscorides, a famed Greek physician who lived some 2,000 years ago also wrote in his medical manuscript, lengthy descriptions of the use of aloe vera for various medical conditions, both externally and internally.

Legend also has it that Alexander the Great conquered the island of Madagascar on the advice of the great philosopher, Aristotle solely for the purpose of obtaining suffient supply of the plant to rub on the wounds of his soldiers. Even Cleopatra was said to ahve attributed her beauty to the frequent use of aloe vera. Based on the above and various other historiccal documentation from different parts of the world, it is without doubt tha aloe vera is one of the most popularly used herb in traditional treatments.

In the modern world, aloe vera is perhaps most commonly known for its potency as a healing and soothing agent for cuts and burns. However, researchers believe that there is more in store for us in aloe vera than just aiding would healing.

Anecdotal evidence gathered from testimonials by satisfied users and laborary experiments suggests that aloe vera can be helpful in treating or relieving a wide range of human ailments ranging from inflammatory and skin conditions to gastrointestinal and immune system related problems.

Since the "rediscovery" of aloe vera in the 1910s, a wide range of researches has been conducted all over the world on various species of aloe. While no single element has been conclusively identified to be responsible for treatment of any ailments, generally most researchers believe that the synergistic effect of the hundreds of compounds found in aloe vera is responsible for the positive effects noted from applying and consuming aloe vera.

A general analysis of aloe vera shows that it contains over 200 nutritional compounds which include 20 types of amino acids, 12 antraquinones, 12 vitamins, 8 enzymes, 20 minerals, 4 plant steroids, monosaccharides, polysaccharides, saponins, salicylic acid, lignin and hormones. The synergistic actions of these compounds are believed to provide aloe vera its anti-inflammatory, wound healing and immuno-stimulant properties which in turn help strengthen our body's own healing and defense system to overcome various medical conditions.

Note:The above article makes no claim of cure of any particular condition whatsoever from the use or consumption of ale vera. the intent of facts above is for information only.

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